Monday, May 25, 2009

We are not dead.

I know some of you may be wondering if we are dead. (That is if you even noticed we have been MIA in the blogging world.) We are alive and at times well. Just haven't been up to updating things. A lot of exciting things have happened the last month or so. I went to Wicked with my mom, niece, and two sisters. It was AWESOME! Mike took the kids on 2 fathers and sons camp outs, and Mike and I both had birthdays. I know those are all awesome things and each one should have had its own blog entry. Well sorry, but I guess I will just have to take partial credit for mentioning it now. Hopefully one of these days we will be back to full scale blogging with pictures and all, but for now take what you can get. ;o)

1 comment:

Becky said...

Glad you are alive (although I knew that). When you can and if you have any, please put up a few pics! I want to see you guys!!! I know that you are all changing so much and it's hard that we aren't there to see it!
I love you tons and miss you tons and tons!!!
Hang in there gurl!