Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm a Rosalie! I found out through TwilightersAnonymous.com. Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results! 

You are straightforward, tenacious, and beautiful, but unfortunately aware of it.  You are
 attention loving, and people easily flock to you, but deep down you are mistrustful of
 people in general.  You can be judgmental and thoughtless, but you love deeply and are
 extremely protective of those that you hold dear.

I really hoped to be Alice, but I guess you just never know who you really are.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun Project

I just had to brag a little. I am so excited to print these up. I have cute little 4x4 frames to put them in and I am going to hang them from the iron rod that Cindy gave me for my birthday a few years ago.  I have been waiting for something worthy to hang from it and now I have it. YAY!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Edible Peanut Butter Play Dough

1 cup peanut butter (creamy)
1 cup light corn syrup
1 1/4 cup powdered milk
1 1/4 cup powdered sugar

Mix it up and play! (If you want to store it in the fridge it will turn hard, but if you microwave it on low for a bit it will soften right up and work fine.) It is yummy enough that if you chocolate cover it then it makes an awesome candy. Just do that part before you let the kids play with it.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Okay, so we were watching Super Why this morning, and it had the story of the Gingerread Man. I was feeling like doing a fun thing with the kids so I decided what the heck! I whipped out the Mrs. Fields Cookie book and found a recipe for Gingerbread Men. Then I started thinking...Isn't gingerbread men a Christmas thing? So I decided to make gingerbread pumpkins to go along with the men. I had a couple of friend come hang out while I made them and they brought there kids too. I didn't wan a bunch of kids getting into the dough so I made some edible peanut butter pay dough for them. They had a blast using the cookie cutters and eating the dough and it made my job much easier as well. Well the baking took longer then I expected so by the time they were ready to be decorated my friends had gone home so it was just me and the kids. They helped me do the first two while I was still trying to get the frosting to the right consistency, then they were distracted by eating. A lot of them got eaten before I even started to make the frosting. I got a picture of the ones that the kids helped with, but they had already started to eat them before I could get the camera. It was a lot of fun and I just had to show everyone that we still had family home evening. Even if it was during the day and Daddy was at school.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I keep some lipstick in my purse that happens to be the all day, won't rub off, won't wash off, on you for life type of stuff.  Well Manessa is very into makeup like most little girls are.  I am pretty sure you guys get the point.  I just hope that it has worn off before church on Sunday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lame Post

Well, september was a rather crappy month so I just didn't post much.  Now we are in to October and I am feeling optimistic.  However, I am trying to find the USB thing to put a picture on here and Manessa is naked and crying that she hates panties.  So who knows.  Mike is as busy as ever with School and work.  He is taking more credits this semester and it is really wearing him out.  Ammon is loving preschool and playing with friends.  Manessa is potty trained, but a very emotional two year old.  Leland is the best baby ever.  He just smiles and plays with himself or anyone who will give him attention.  I must say that I definitely got lucky to have his sweet little spirit come to my home.  I am just trying to survive daily life without messing up my children too badly.  Sorry that this is a rather whiney post, but I figured if I didn't post soon everyone might think that we were all dead.